Available Scripts

Please contact me if you are interested in reading any of the scripts below.

The F*ck it List

The Fuck it List is an R rated dark comedy. When a mild-mannered woman in her late twenties gets diagnosed with terminal cancer, her world is turned upside down. With the help of some new friends she grapples with her impending doom and comes to realizations about life and death. 

Hot for Dahmer

Hot for Dahmer is dark comedy television series. When a 16 year old girl wants to lose her virginity she struggles with her sexual attraction to serial killers. Navigating this strange fetish forces her to learn about self acceptance in this slightly gruesome coming of age story. 

50 Shades of Cray

50 Shades of Cray is a dark comedy television series. As a woman in her early thirties deals with a plethora of mental illnesses she has trouble navigating her career and love life.